Thursday, 20 September 2007

The sending out....

The commissioning on Thursday 13th Sept was a fairly low key event, since I'm only doing 8 hours a week as Community Chaplain, but it was good to have the warm and enthusiastic support of friends from Winterton.
I was formally welcomed to the Scunthorpe Circuit Staff by Superintendent Minister Brian Bailey and later by the Chair of the District, David Perry. Winterton Clergy, Revd Jeongsook Kim and Revd Alice Nunn also gave a word of welcome.
My official starting date was Monday 17th Sept., when I went for training.
I am often asked, 'What is a Community Chaplain?'.... and more often, 'What will you be doing?'
I hope that one day soon I will be able to answer those questions ! Meantime, I reply to my friends at Church: 'It's out there instead of in here.'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the pic of you makes you look rather broad, which is probably a good thing for a community chap (I like this abbreviation for chaplain)- broad shoulders, broad-minded, thick skinned, but I digress....

Will you get to open bazaars? Judge cake competitions? Sounds tempting.