Monday, 24 September 2007

'As we go' spirituality

Here is an extract from the brand new 'Changing Church for a Changing World' book from Fresh Expressions/The Methodist Church(published by TMCP) get hold of a copy.

The to hold lightly to what we bring with us, even to let it die. This is the common thread of fresh expressions spirituality. Many practitioners are being called to step into unknown territory.....daily. It has been described as an 'as we go' spirituality. Or even an 'Oh heck!...I have no idea where to go next with this....but I believe God does'. There's a common call, to trust in the God who is always ahead of where we are. To trust that he will reveal and lead the way, step by step and moment by moment. Often leaders say that they feel uneasy when they are trying to make things happen, but spiritually 'at ease' when they have the courage under God to let go...and let God be God, to them and through them. Letting go is never easy, especially within a culture of self-interest and protection. Perhaps it is no surprise that the Spirit is calling and equipping a mission-shaped church to follow in the way of Christ. A spirituality of faith and trust, death and resurrection. (Colin Brown CA)

I am at the 'Oh heck!' stage...

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