Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Will you be an encourager?

Remember the geese? (blog 29/9/07). Ian and I see a flock of them most days on our morning bike ride and they serve as a reminder......
.... ‘encourage one another.’(Heb 10:25).
There is no better way of helping each other fulfil our God-given purpose on Earth.

We need fewer critics and more cheerleaders......... those who see over the heads of those who say ‘it’ll never work’ and shout to someone launching out in faith. ‘Go for it! You can make it!’ … the words of Jesus; ‘Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets.’ (Luke 5:4)

So often people are discouraged, and this is the devil’s work.
Encouraging one another builds us up in love to be the people Jesus is calling us to be.
Will you be an encourager today?

‘We all have different gifts. Whoever has the gift of encouraging others should encourage.’ (Romans 12:6-8 NCV). See also Ephesians 4 :29b to 5 :2 (NLT)

…and we can learn a lot from non-Christians:

PS You could encourage me today! If you are reading this blog regularly send an e-mail to just to let me know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog is being read - maybe not daily but we are catching up every so often. Your piece on encouragement and inspiration is so very true.

In my work life we're talking a lot about 'new ways of'... In some areas a monthly meeting may not be possible for economic, physical or geographical reasons, but a blog and better use of technology might be just the way to reach just one or two more people. I think having seen your blog it's definitely something I'd like to think about. So thanks for this and keep going!