Friday, 16 November 2007


Freak incidents involving animals topped the list of the most bizarre claims made to insurer Norwich Union last year, with food-related prangs also featuring highly.
"A frozen squirrel fell out of a tree and crashed through the windscreen on to the passenger seat."
"The car was parked when a reindeer fell on the bonnet of my car."
"As I was driving round a bend, one of the doors opened and a frozen kebab flew out, hitting and damaging a passing car."
"A herd of cows licked my car and caused damage to the paintwork."
"While I was waiting at traffic lights, a wasp went down my trouser leg which made me hit the accelerator and prang the car in front."
"A cow jumped on my quad bike."
As an Insurance Broker, I reckon the funniest incident I ever had to deal with was a household claim where the guy’s dog had chewed up his false teeth. He came into my office and tried, with no teeth in, to describe what had happened….

As Christians we should not be surprised when trouble comes. It may be hard to take at the time. I remember, at the age of 19, disconsolately sitting in my car with a burned out clutch outside the Royal Albert Hall, wondering what to do next. I had a New Testament there and opened it at the first chapter of James;
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perserverance.. Perserverance must finish it's work so that you may be mature, and complete, not lacking anything."
That was like God speaking directly to me!
The car was repaired for £25 (2 weeks wages at the time) and I got it back from London, of course.
That was a lesson I never forgot, and so when more serious trouble comes along, as it does from time to time I’m ready for it !

"I've told you this so that my peace will be with you. In the world you'll have trouble. But cheer up! I have overcome the world." Jesus. (John 16 v 33)

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