Friday 23 January 2009

CEO Obama - Good to Great?

In 2001, Jim Collins wrote Good to Great, arguably the most influential business book of the decade, pored over in the offices of NGOs and charities, as well as in the gleaming HQs of multinationals. Collins analysed what turns good organisations into great organisations. One of his key findings was that the character of the CEO was vital. Two qualities distinguished the great leaders from the good, the bad and the mediocre. It wasn't their ability to cast a vision or their personal charisma or their soaring communication skills - all of which Obama has in brimming measure.

No, the two key characteristics of the truly greatest leaders were humility and iron focus. Humility - because the humble leader puts the needs of the organisation before personal preferences, ego needs or whims. Iron focus, because great leaders always retain crystal clarity about their long-term goal. The resonances with the character of the one who came to serve and give his life as a ransom for many are hardly surprising.

On Tuesday, Barack Obama made it abundantly clear what his goal is: to pass on the torch of the historic American understanding of freedom to the next generation, not as a spluttering wick but as a blazing beacon. It is this focus that has led to swift decisions about Guantanamo Bay, about torture and about transparency of government spending. It is this focus that has led him to reach out to Muslims and to choose his cabinet on merit rather than party affiliation.

But Barack Obama also seems to be a humble man. And that means he can have people around him who don't agree with him about everything. Obama chose Rick Warren to lead the Inauguration Prayers, effectively making him Billy Graham's successor as chaplain to the nation, but Rick Warren is against abortion and gay marriage - key issues for Democrats. Similarly, Obama's humility enables him to understand the way that America's reputation has been tarnished and to eschew the jingoistic, missile-rattling flexing of military might and offer an open hand to anyone who will uncurl their fist.

Humility and focus. Does Obama have anything to teach us in the pursuit and living out of our God-given gospel mission? You betcha. Will he prove to be a great President? Who knows? But he's made a great start. And he even knows how to party.

Mark Greene(LICC)

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